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Click here to access ParentVUE.


What is ParentVUE?

Parents of elementary school students can view attendance records, test history, schedules, report cards and personal information. Parents of middle and high school students can view attendance records, test history, schedules, grades, assignments and personal information. Personal Learning Plans can be accessed on ParentVUE and parents can make payments for meals and activity fees. High school transcripts are also available on ParentVUE.                   

New to the District and/or the parent portal?

Contact the front office at your school, or ask for more information at the upcoming back-to-school events, to get an activation that will allow you to register your student account. 

Forgot your username and/or password? 

Contact the front office at your student's school. Click here for a directory.

Get the app

Get access to the ParentVUE app via the Mounds View Public Schools app. Visit the App Store or Google Play and search Mounds View Public Schools to download the app. You will need the activation key from your school to access your account for the first time (from the web and/or the app). 

Then, watch a brief video to learn how to customize the app.

ParentVUE instructional videos

Select the playlist button on the right side of the screen to see additional videos.